Chicken and vegetable risotto with Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink

Risotto is a great meal to prepare in advance and even freeze for another day. You can swap around the vegetables depending on what is in season and use it as a chance to introduce new foods.

 Vary the protein with different types of meat or even give fish or tofu a try.

This meal can be also be used for the whole family as the Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink powder is added at the end after cooling a little.

Suitable for children 12 months and older

Serves 4 Toddlers

24 scoops Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink powder (1 serve = 6 scoops)
720 mL boiled cool water
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 spring onion, finely chopped
125g Arborio risotto rice
500ml reduced salt chicken stock
150g chicken breast or thigh fillets cubed
100g frozen or fresh peas
200g canned corn, drained
¼ cup tasty cheese
8 Cherry tomatoes

1. Heat oil in pan and cook the chopped chicken until brown. Remove and set aside.
2. Fry the spring onion for 1 minute or until soft.
3. Add the rice to the pan and stir for 40 seconds until the oil has coated the rice.
4. Pour in the stock and bring to the boil, stirring well. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes stirring regularly until the rice is tender.
5. Add the chicken, peas and corn. Cook for another 5 minutes until rice is tender and vegetables heated through.
6. Stir in the cheese. Allow to cool.
7. Mix the 24 scoops of Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink powder with 720 mL of boiled cooled water following packet directions to make a runny paste.
8. Measure the temperature of the risotto with a cooking thermometer. When the risotto has cooled to 37 degrees add in the Biostime SN-2 BIO PLUS Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drink powder mixture.

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